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Expertise / August 30, 2023

Mobile learning

mobile learning


Learn where, when and how you want. With mobile learning, the learning content is designed so that it can be absorbed in small units. This makes it easier to integrate learning into everyday working life with its frequent interruptions. What is crucial is that it is easy to start the learning process at any time. Another advantage: When introducing mobile learning applications, existing learning content can be used and adapted to new requirements.

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Asking new questions, exploring new opportunities, looking at old problems from a new perspective, requires creative imagination and marks real progress.
Albert Einstein, 1879-1955

Advantages from a methodological and didactic point of view

Mobile learning allows studying in places that are not directly related to the learning content, but can be used for learning due to time constraints.

Situational reference:
Learning takes place when the situation requires it. The direct retrieval of content promotes demand- and problem-oriented learning.

Context sensitivity:
Mobile learning allows the acquisition and evaluation of environmental information. Due to the intensified practical relevance the learning process is sustainably improved.

Special feature: blended learning

Mobile learning can be usefully integrated into existing training courses. So-called blended learning creates learning and training concepts in which the advantages of traditional face-to-face events are combined with those of virtual and mobile learning.