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General / August 6, 2024

Curtain up and stage clear!

Festspiele Wangen

For the thirteenth time, the Wangenern Festival: “Curtain up – the play can begin.”
And for the thirteenth time, we as a company are supporting the theater performances because it is a matter close to our hearts to promote cultural diversity in the region.

Carlo Goldoni's "The Servant of Two Masters" will be performed from July 25.07th to August 18.08.2024th, XNUMX in the picturesque Zunftwinkel. The turbulent comedy promises entertainment with depth. The play was directed by Jens Schmidl, an experienced theater maker from Berlin.

Jens Schmidl's second coup is the stage revival of "Pippi Longstocking" by Astrid Lindgren. Pippi has fascinated children and adults for generations with her unmistakable style. Rebellious, imaginative, cheeky and free. The play is great fun for young and old.

We wish all artists and visitors unforgettable experiences.