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Abitur funding awards / July 27, 2023

High school graduation award 2023 of the STENDER GmbH

Abitur funding award-2023_BLOG

The Rupert-Neß-Gymnasium ended the school year with a big final gala. Not only were memories of the past school year shared, but special achievements and commitment were also acknowledged.

As a company, we feel honored to support young talent and recognize their achievements. This year's Abitur sponsorship award from STENDER GmbH was presented by managing director Dr. Michael Stender to Jakob Stiller. The prize is endowed with 1.300 euros and is awarded for outstanding achievements in the natural sciences and languages. The aim of the award is to underline the importance of general education core subjects and especially the natural sciences.

We are pleased to support promising young people on their educational path with the award and congratulate Mr. Stiller on passing his Abitur!