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General / June 28, 2023



Get out of the office chair and into your sports clothes!

The health of the workforce has a high priority. Not only does the design of the workplace play a role, but also physical fitness and the associated good feeling of doing something for oneself and one's health.

Depending on your wishes, whether relaxation or strengthening, a corresponding program is offered. Our sports offers take place outside or in the company's own fitness room and are carried out under the professional guidance of physiotherapist and sports cannon Anna Stohr.

We currently have two fantastic formats on offer again:

Work hard – train harder:
Under expert guidance, our office heroes fight their way through a varied strengthening and endurance program. Sore muscles quickly become a minor matter here!

Simplify Complexity – don't limit yourself:
With a mix of different relaxation techniques and classic reverse school, everything that comes up short at the desk - in the truest sense of the word - is stretched.

On your marks, get set, join in!